Synthesis algorithm that models the sound of bowed resonant metals (vibraphone and crotales).
Mapped to GameTrak tether controllers for intuitive, musical expression.
Detailed control over pitch, timbre, and playability allows for complex microtonal harmonic fields and blended sonic environments for electronic and acoustic instruments.
Written in SuperCollider.
Featured in “Glyptic Channels” and “Five States.”
Excerpts from “Five States” recording session with the Princeton Laptop Orchestra and friends. Electronics players are playing the Metall’Ocean.
Eight-voice rhythmic and melodic sequencer.
Melodic inputs formatted numerically as lists of MIDI notes. Rhythmic inputs formatted numerically as lists inter-onset intervals (ioi’s).
Produces a stream of MIDI data or synthesized audio as output. “Drift” feature interpolates between two melodic-rhythmic patterns to create a sequence of arhythmic “in-between” patterns.
Allows for precise composition of off-grid rhythms. Can be networked and synchronized using Ableton Link or Max/MSP.
Written in SuperCollider.
Featured in upcoming songs by the Anaglyphs. Used to compose “Set Adrift.”
“Set Adrift” rhythms and processes generated by ioiDrifter, exported as MIDI, and arranged for So Percussion.